
Hey there.

Happy New Year.
I hope you all had a great day. And a wonderful night last night full of fireworks, sparkling grape juice and resolutions that will probably be broken..

2013 was a great year for me.

I traveled to breathtaking places. Laughed a lot. Flew on an airplane for the first time. Was really brave and cut my hair off. Tried new things. Ate some weird food…(such as shark and snails… Shark was surprisingly amazing… Snail… Was not.) was fantastic. And I want 2014 to be just as fantastical… Or even more if that’s possible.

Soooo I’ve decided to share with you all a list of 10 semi-realistic things I would like to do this year….(I know you probably don’t care… But no one forced you to read this soooooo deal with it.)

1. I would like to drink a ridiculous amount of hot tea….in fancy little cups. I don’t really like hot tea… But it’s a new year and I feel like drinking hot tea will make me classier.

2. I want to write a song on the top of a roof…because danger is my middle name. (Not really…it’s Ashley… But ya know, same thing.)

3. I’d like to buy even more skirts. I already have way too many in my closet. But there is no such thing as too many skirts.

4. Pet a baby panda. Because they’re cute. And probably soft.

5. I want to take pictures with random strangers in a foreign country. Preferably strangers that don’t speak English… Because they’d probably be very confused and that would make for a great picture.

6. Paint a portrait. But take about 2 weeks to finish it then put it in the back of my closet.. Because I procrastinate and I can’t paint.

7. Go to a LOT of concerts.

8. I’d like to sing cheesy 80’s songs loudly down the street and embarrass my friends… More. Because I already do that.

9. Laugh a lot. Because I like to laugh.

10. Make someone’s day. Every day of the year.


But on a more serious note… that list became a little less significant to me when I woke up this morning to find out that a good friend of mine is in the hospital after being in a bad car wreck.

It definitely changed my perspective a little.

Yes I would still like to do those stupid things I listed. But I also have a new list.

1. Make
2. Every
3. Moment
4. Count
5. And
6. Never
7. Take
8. Them
9. For
10. Granted.

So my resolution is to make the moments count this year…and every year. And remember that I never know what the next minute will hold.

Happy New Year. Thanks for reading this post. I will most likely try to make your this year.

peace & love


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